Confession: I started this blog to keep my occupied while unemployed. Since regaining employment (Yay!), I have let the blog suffer.
Anyways. You all hear about how networking is really important, but no really, it is. When I was first laid off, I sent an email to everyone I could think of in my area or with connections to my area pleading with them to send on my resume to anyone they could think of. I even had the Jewish West Palm Beach Grandmother network working overtime. My parents were constantly calling me with "Oh I talked to ______ female engineer and she said you should join SWE". After a few months of not leaving the house regularly, everything sounds like a good idea. Most professional organizations even give pity discounts to the unemployed. I started to substitute teach and found myself bringing up my unemployment and primary profession in any conversation that was mildly relevant. Finally, my friend from 2nd grade who I've never been super close to, referred me to my current position. She knew my boss and convinced her that I could handle the position.
If that doesn't convince you.....
My cousin and his wife for the same company. This spring, my cousin was relocated (for the second time) to Chicago. After people promised to help his wife find something in Chicago and didn't find anything, my cousin went off to his first day of work in Chicago leaving his wife and his adorable little girls behind. Upon being introduced to his new team, he ucharacteristically announced "Hey guys. My wife works for us too, but she's stuck in Seattle. If you want me to stay, she needs a job here too." Sure enough, someone in that meeting had heard of an opening that would fit her. They are now in the process of moving (all 4 of them) to Chicago. Pays to overshare!!
The Post-Cancer Reality Check
5 years ago